LA Hamsoa Clinic, which cares about the health of children and families!

Opening Hours: M-F 9-6/ Sat 9-5/ Wed, Sun Closed

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Sinus cold vs. sinusitis

It is not easily distinguished sinus cold and sinusitis because chief complaints of those symptoms are similar. Therefore, sinusitis is easily misdiagnosed as a common cold. Those symptoms’ chief complaint is are swollen nasal cavity, which could cause nasal congestion in common. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses.

Cold medicine doesn’t help to release a symptom, uncomfortableness seems more severe than past cold virus infections, cough lasts more than three weeks, yellow-colored nasal discharge, redness or pain on the chick bone area of the face, and bad breath are the possible signs of sinusitis.



Frontal Sinus, Ethmoidal sinus, Maxillary sinus

The anatomical structure of the paranasal cavity

Children are prone to sinusitis due to 

the incomplete  structural development of

the paranasal cavity.

3 out of 10 younger than nine years old have sinusitis patients. It is explained that the immune system’s weakness in the paranasal cavity and nasal lining has not been completely developed. 

Therefore, children should be carefully treated for the symptoms by curing the root causes of inflammation and allergic symptoms in the nasal cavities.


Antibiotics are not the only solution for sinusitis. 

Child sinusitis requires different approaches to treat.

Yellow-colored nasal discharge, cough, bad breath, fever, headaches, and facial pain are the symptoms of sinusitis.

Suppose a child suffers from sinusitis for a prolonged time. In that case, the child will have other severe symptoms such as poor appetite, mouth breading, sleep apnea, sleep disorders, busy brain, lethargy, and facial deformation. Those symptoms also lead to delayed growth and learning disability.

In most cases, many doctors prioritize using antibiotics to treat sinusitis. However, antibiotics only work for acute sinusitis, which is 2~10% of the case. Rest of the cases, which are 90~98% of sinusitis caused by viral infection, the antibiotics are not helping.


Sinusitis treatment should be started before the age of 7. 

Children’s respiratory system rapidly develops until age 7, and at 11, the development will stop.

Therefore, the earlier intervention of Asian medicine to treat sinusitis can provide benefits by preventing a common cold viral infection and rhinitis, which are common factors that lead to sinusitis, without unnecessary antibiotics.