LA Hamsoa Clinic, which cares about the health of children and families!

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Precocious puberty

Rapid growth means increasing

chances of stopping growing soon.

Precocious puberty is defined by early sexual maturation. For girls having precocious puberty, their breast buds get bigger before eight years old, and boys experience rapid growth of their testicles. Precocious puberty affects delayed growth.

Usually, precocious puberty is found more frequently in girls than boys. The prevalence of the symptoms in girls is 90%. Obesity is the most well-known cause but not the absolute reason because precocious puberty could be shown among normal or underweight girls.

Precocious puberty does not provide significant uncomfortable sensations, and it is frequently overlooked. However, it will start the menstrual period within two years, and growth will stop. Such a rapid change in children’s bodies could cause a stressor, identity diffusion.

If you find a sign of the symptom, do not hesitate to consult with us. 



Precocious puberty self-test

More yes means a higher chance of having the symptom.

If there are more than five checks, it requires immediate consultation.

  • Rapid height growth. More than 7 cm in a year.
  • Having one of parents stop growing early.
  • Having breast bud before reaching 8 years old.
  • Menstruation starts before 10 years old.
  • Either the mother started menstruation before 12, or the father grew faster than the age group.

  • The child is higher than the average height of the parents.

  • The bone test result shows that the age of the bone is older than the child’s real age.
  • The child was born in underweight.
  • The child is obese compared to his/her height.
  • The child is highly sensitive to the stressors.
  • Hair oil has been significantly increased and smells bad.
  • The child became and acted defiant, like entering puberty.


A treatment plan by stages

Steps for treating precocious puberty

Step 1 Breast bud developing stage

The children in this stage will get treatment to delay or stop the progress of the symptoms. It is not necessary to apply hormone therapy. Proper diet, weight control, and herbal formulas could help the children grow.

Step 2 Hormonal changing stage

Due to the increasing secretion of sexual hormones, precocious puberty is defined. It might be required to use hormonal treatment depending on the conditions of bone age and height. If the hormonal treatment is not successful, Hamsoa LA treats the children to delay the first menstrual period and other growth-helping treatments.

Step 3 Puberty stage

The hormonal treatment will be stopped after the first menstrual period starts. Even if the children started the periods, the growth-enhancing treatment will be continued. If children have delayed growth, intensive Asian medicinal treatments should be provided.